Post by Rosie on Feb 18, 2020 14:37:53 GMT
I am looking for some kind of key to explain what commands there are and how to use them. For example, the word "random" i see is used when setting a variable to appear for random times between two ms limits written afterwards.
The documentation does explain a lot of the commands like "readkey" "show" and "clear" etc. however I see in the experiment library that there are quite a few that I would like to understand more and try to use. For example, I would like to use "random".
Ones I have also seen include: "KEY" "draw on" "draw off" and using "previous" within variables e.g. $previousletter
A list of possible commands would be fantastic help!
Thank you!
Post by PsyToolkit on Feb 19, 2020 10:18:27 GMT
Hi Rosie, that is a very good question. There are two ways to get this: 1) Use the syntax help file (each version has one). Here is the link for the current version: www.psytoolkit.org/doc2.6.1/syntax.htmlAt the bottom of that page, there is a list with almost all commands you can use and links to the documentation. 2) Here is a schematic list (some are only valid in the Linux version, but it gives you an idea)
Overview of all commands of the PsyToolkit experiment scripting language:
* Commands can have parameters (arguments).
> Obligatory arguments are in [].
> Optional arguments ones in ().
* Lines starting with "-" are future commands (not yet working).
* Lines starting "#" are comments
options (this section is optional)
#-- directory options
bitmapdir [path]
datadir [path]
fontdir [path]
videodir [path]
sounddir [path]
#-- screen options
resolution [width][height]
screensize [width][height]
screendistance [distance]
coordinates [cartesian|polar]
origin [center|topleft]
update_freq [ms]
sprites first
vsync (on|off)
check_refresh_rate [hz]
#-- misc
realtime (on|off)
version [version number]
set &[name][value]
executable (path)[name]
startbutton text [some text]
loading text [some text]
#-- web-based
var (in|out) [(&)varname][(&)varname]
#-- external device options
mouse [on]
escape (key)
parallelport base [base address|LPT2]
parallelport [in|out] [data|1|14|16|17] [in|out] [data|1|14|16|17]
pcidio24 [in|out] [a|b|c|c_low|c_high] [in|out] [a|b|c|c_low|c_high]
cedrus (RB-530|RB-730|RB-830|RB-834)
iolab (voicekey duration silence trigger gain1 gain2 micpassthrough)
et [tobii] (Tobii_Tracker_id) # note "et" => abbreviation for eye-tracker
bitmaps (this section is optional)
[bitmapname] (path)[filename|data:image/...|https://...]
sounds (this section is optional)
[soundname] (path)[filename]
fonts (this section is optional)
[fontname] (path)[font-file-name.ttf] [fontsize]
[fontname] [arial|times|courier] [fontsize]
[arial|times|courier] [fontsize]
table [tablename] (table sections are optional)
task [name] (there must be at least one task)
# c functions
c [ one line of c code ]
c-begin ( followed by new line and lines of c code )
c-file [filename]
# visual and auditory stimulus functions
draw [on|off]
font [fontname]
show bitmap [bitmapname] (xpos ypos)
show text [string] (xpos|ypos)(red green blue)
show rectangle [x y w h red green blue]
show circle [x y radius red green blue]
show background [red green blue]
show video [videoname] (once|loop)(xpos)(ypos)(width height)
rotate [next|stimulusnumber] [tenth_degrees]
clear [number(s)] | screen | range[first][last]
hide [stimulusnumber]|range[first][last]
unhide [stimulusnumber]|range[first][last]
# optional setting of text attributes
text color [colorname|r g b|RRGGBB]
text align [center|left|right]
# videocontrol [videoname] # continues next line...
# [stop|pause|resume|play|on|loop|once|move|clear](xpos)(ypos)(width height)
sound [soundname] (loop)
silence [soundname]
# sprites functions (each sprite has number; N refers to this number)
sprite create [bitmapname]([xpos][ypos])([direction][speed]))
sprite [N] [bitmapname](xpos)(ypos)
sprite [N] display|hide|freeze|move|w|h
sprite [N] jump (xpos)(ypos)
sprite [N] move (to|towards) (xpos)(ypos)(speed)
sprite [N] move direction (angle)(speed)
sprite [N] move path (speed) x1 y1 ... xn yn
sprite [N] speed (speed)
sprite [N] accelerate (speed change)
sprite [N] bitmap [bitmapname]
sprite [N] evade
sprite [N] borders [top][bottom] # sprite [N] rotate (-)[speed] sprite [N] rotate to [(-)degrees*10] [speed] sprite [N] rotate now [degrees] # sprite [N] hscroll (-)[speed] # sprites [delete|freeze|unfreeze|display|hide|evade|bounce(borders|sprites)|borders|update] all reset_sprites_timer # control functions if [conditional expression] [...] fi while [conditional expression] [...] while-end end [task|tasklist|experiment] # condition selection related function table [tablename] # time related functions delay [time] nap timestamp [timestampname] # keyboard functions keys # use only once at top of task description!
keystatus (correct number in keyslist 1..n)
readkey [correct number in keyslist 1..n][maxtime]
# readkeys (more than one key)
readkeys option size [n] ## up to how many letters
readkeys option placeholders [imagename] | [width][height]
readkeys option [show|hide] [X] [Y]
readkeys option font [fontname] ## white or color set by "textcolor"
readkeys option space [pixels] ## space for each letter, default=30
readkeys [correct_word][maxtime]
# mouse functions
readmouse (l|m|r)[bitmap|sprite][maxtime](range [begin][end])
mouse [show|hide](x y)
# choose with mouse functions
choose option select [bitmap]
choose option minselect [number]
choose option maxselect [number]
choose option exit [bitmap-ok][bitmap][x][y]
choose option sprites
choose option keep
choose [maxtime](stimulus_numbers...)
# rate
rate option pos [x][y]
rate option labels [left_bitmap][right_bitmap]
rate option items [bitmap]
rate option between [pixels]
rate [maxtime] [n_items]
# special device funtions --------------------------------------
parallelport [set|clear][pinnumber](pinnumber)(pinnumber)(etc)
parallelport senddata [value 0-255]
pcidio24 set [a|b|c] [value 0-255]
cedrus readkey [button][max time]
cedrus status
cedrus clear
cedrus reset
iolab readkey [button][max time]
iolab status
iolab clear
iolab reset
ultra readykey [button][max time]
ultra status
# et is abbreviation for eye tracker
et allow [pixels]
et look [stimulusnumber] [maxtime]
et hold [stimulus-number] [maxtime-to-get][maxtime-to-hold]
et display eyes
et hide eyes
et start
et stop
et events [number] [number]
-et fix [stimulus#]
-et free
-et status
-et follow [sprite-number] [maxtime]
# -- variable setting functions -----------------
set # does not all fit on one line, therefore on multiple lines:
[integer_value] |
[$|&][other-variable-name] |
random[lowest][highest](stepsize) |
random from (...) |
expression [...] |
c-expression [...] |
increase|decrease (value) |
pcidio24 [a|b|c] |
time-since-start |
timestamp-diff [1][2] |
timestamp-seconds [timestamp] |
timestamp-milliseconds [timestamp] |
bitmap-under-mouse (x y) (up|down)(range [begin][end])|
sprite-x [sprite number] |
sprite-y [sprite number] |
chosen-of [...]
TODO CHECK stimulus-x
# data output function
save [valuelist] # this should ideally be last statement in a task description!
# include code
part [part-name]
message [bitmapname](keycode|mouse)
block [blockname]
bitmap [bitmapname]
bitmap_from_file [filename]
c [ one line of c code ]
clear screen
message [bitmapname](key)
pager option [mouse [back_img X Y next_img X Y quit_img X Y]]
pager [bitmapname1](bitmapname2 etc ...)
sound [soundname] (loop)
silence [soundname]
system [systemcall]
maxtime [msecs](m)(s)
wait_for_key (key)
delay [milliseconds]
not in web version: continue_repeat_keys (continue key)(repeat key)
<see feedback syntax below>
et calibrate [5|10|28]
et [show|hide] eyes
# include code
part [part-name]
text color [colorname|r g b|RRGGBB]
text align [center|left|right]
text [xpos][ypos]["literal text in quotes"]
text [xpos][ypos][&variable] (; prefix [text] ; postfix [text] ; )
set [variablename] [mean|sum|perc|min|max|count][c?] ( ; select c? == value )
set [variablename] expression [expression]
save [valuelist]
lineplot [c?] ( ; colors c? ; select c? == value ; xlabel text ; ylabel text )
xyplot [c?][c?] (; xlabel text ; ylabel text ; select c? == value )
wait_for_key (key|mouse) # optional
include [filename]
part [part-name]
notes about blockorder:
- if you have 1 blockorder, that blockorder will be used
the following two functions will be implemented in a later version
- if you have more than 1 blockorder, one will chosen randomly
- you can give blockorder as parameter "-b" to executable
Any line starting with "include" followed by a file will include that
file into the script. The include file must be in the same directory
as the PsyToolkit script file. Included files cannot include include
files themselves (i.e., not recursive including).
RT last response time, from readkey or readmouse
TT release time (time it takes to release the key. TT > RT)
EXTRT same as RT, but measures by external keyboard (Cedrus or IOLab)
EXTTT same as TT, but measures by external keyboard (Cedrus or IOLab)
TABLEROW randomly chosen once per trial
KEY the key that has been pressed in last readkey/keystatus
KEYPRESSED 1 if key is pressed, 0 if not; currently only for IoLab & Cedrus
MOUSE_X the X position of the mouse in last readmouse statement
MOUSE_Y the Y position of the mouse in last readmouse statement
-GAZE_X the X position of gaze (when using eye tracker)
-GAZE_Y the X position of gaze (when using eye tracker)
RATE The chosen value of rating scale
RATE_RT The RT of the rating process
RATE_STATUS 1 if rated or 3 if timeout
VSYNC_DELAY the time waited for a vsync signal (available following
each show command)
BLOCKNUMBER the number of the current block. Starts with
1. Important note: unlikely event that there is more
than one tasklist in a BLOCK (not recommended), the
BLOCKNUMBER is still increased.
BLOCKORDER Is normally 1, but if multiple blockorders defined, gives
the number of the randomly chosen blockorder
TASKNAME the name of the task the trial is in
BLOCKNAME the name of the current block the trial is in
TRIALCOUNT the number of trials so far in any task
at least 3 seperate parameters can be used, for example: RT < 5
parameters 1 and 3 can be variables or values. Variables can be
local or global variables, or special variables.
parameter 2 is something like "==" (but even "=" is allowed).
operators in conditional expressions can be.
and , or you can use &&
or , or you can use ||
variables defined in set should start with $ or &
$ are local variable (used in one trial only)
& are global variable, which can also be set in the block section
values chosen from a tablerow should start with @
strings with " "
XPOS and YPOS specify the position of stimuli on the screen. Specify
a number in accordance with the chosen coordinate system. Or use
CENTER, for choosing the screen centered position (for X
and/or Y). Per default, coordinates are cartesian with 0,0 being the
top left corner. The option centerzero make 0,0 the center of the
screen. In polar, 0,0 is the screen and the coordinates are in
1/100th of a degree.
You can "set" values using a formula. All common functions are
supported (see documentation). You can also use PsyToolkit local and
global variables or special variables (e.g., RT or STATUS) and table
entries (assuming they are not strings).
C-EXPRESSION (replaced by EXPRESSION since 1.4.3 and not recommended)
You can use plain c. Refer to script variables with a ^, for example
set $x c-expression abs 100 + ^RT - ^$myvariable
This will take the RT from the last readkey
Make sure that they are at least 1 spc apart from other c-code!
Do not use a semicolon at the end of the expression (although it
does not hurt).
-- shift keys --
lshift rshift
-- control keys --
lcontrol rcontrol
-- alt keys --
lalt ralt
-- logo keys --
lsuper rsuper
-- special keys --
enter capslock tab
space end home insert
escape slash backslash quote comma period
-- arrow keys --
up down right left
--numerical keyboard (keypad)--
kp0 kp1 kp2 kp3 kp4 kp5 kp6 kp7 kp8 kp9
kp_period kp_slash kp_star kp_minus kp_plus kp_enter
-- alphanumerical keys --
a to z, 0 to 9
TEXT COLOR NAMES (for "text color")
Post by PsyToolkit on Feb 19, 2020 10:21:43 GMT
By the way, I will set up some extra lessons about RANDOM, KEY, draw off/on, and the use of variables soon!
Post by Rosie on Feb 19, 2020 14:26:41 GMT
Thank you for this, in terms of the "correct" command, I can't seem to get it to work at all.
In the documentation it says it works like this: block MyTraining tasklist strooptask 10 correct 100 end
However, it doesn't seem to matter which way round I put the numbers, the smallest number is always the total number of trials, whether they are correct or incorrect it will only ever do 10 trials. Is this a bug?
Post by PsyToolkit on Feb 19, 2020 21:45:54 GMT
Thanks for letting me know. I will double check this in the coming week.
What is it you want exactly to happen?
Post by Rosie on Feb 20, 2020 9:59:39 GMT
I need the task to repeat until 60% of the responses are correct. But it should finish after a maximum number of trial anyway. In the above example: 10 should be correct and as soon as 10 are correct the trials finish, however even if ten are not correct then it ends after 100 trials.
The explanation you give in your explanation is: In some experiments, you might want that participants do at least a certain number of trials correct. You use the correct option for this. In the example below, the participant needs to have done 10 trials correct, but after 100 trials it will stop no matter how many the participant did correct. In the allcorrect variant, they must be consecutively correct.
This is what I want to do.
Thank you!